
Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Dog Breeds That Start With B

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The Basenji, also known as the Congo dog, is a primitive breed known for its ability to make a variety of sounds, except for normal barking. Its mood determines if it will howl, snarl, crow, or yodel. This small breed has an elegant look about it, despite its athletic tendencies. It has small eyes, straight ears, a wrinkled forehead, and a tail that curls up on its back. It has strong, long legs that give it the speed and sprinting pace similar to a horse’s.

Bassett Hound

Basset Hound

The Basset Hound is easily recognizable with its loose, folding skin, elongated ears, cheerless brown eyes, prominent dewlap, and shortened, crooked legs. It has a long body, a big muzzle, and a dense coat that shields it from thorny shrubs. It is a direct descendant of the Bloodhound, which explains the facial resemblance between the two breeds. The Basset hound first gained popularity when it was entered as participant in a dog show in Paris in the 1860s.



The Beagle is a small but toughly built hound with a resemblance to the English foxhound. It has a wide, somewhat rounded skull, a squared muzzle, wide nostrils, and long, broad, hanging ears. It also has a tail that it carries in a lively manner, as well as sturdy, circular feet. In the US, this breed is a popular family pet. Though a good hunting aid, it needs to be carried across rough terrain.

Bearded Collie

Bearded Collie

The Bearded Collie or Beardie is shaggy-coated all over, and even has hair under its chin, which explains the name. It has a short muzzle, a broad skull, and large teeth. It carries its long tail down low and wags it high when its excited. This breed developed from the Polish Lowland Sheepdog. Some lines of this breed are known for their coat that fades in the first year from birth then turns back to the color that’s almost as dark as the color they’re born with.



The Beauceron is the largest sheepdog breed of France. It is also called the French Shorthaired Shepherd, Beauce Shepherd, Berger de Beauce, and Bas Rouge. Highly versatile, it can adapt to any tasks given them, making it an ideal pet and working dog. It has a coarse and dense outercoat and an undercoat that is also dense. Its coat is a bicolor black and tan. Eyes: horizontal, set well apart, large, slightly oval, dark brown. Its straight ears are set high and its nose, black and slightly convex towards the end. The dewclaw on its hind legs gives it a distinctive characteristic.

Bedlington Terrier

Bedlington Terrier

The Bedlington Terrier is one breed that looks more like a lamb than a dog; its coat and head are similar to that of a sheep. It has feet similar to a hare’s, straight forelegs, and a pointy tail. It has a bouncy pace that is apparent when it walks slowly. Despite its tame and diminutive appearance, this breed is known for its ability to take on small but strong quarry in the hunt. Its overall look makes it stand out in the show ring.

Belgian Laekenois

Belgian Laekenois

The rarest of the four Belgian Shepherd dogs, the Belgian Laekenois is a sturdy, well-proportioned medium-sized dog with a rough wire coat that easily distinguishes it. This breed was actually used as army dogs in the World Wars. The ears of the Belgian Laekenois are small, triangular, and set high on the head. The eyes are brown, average in size and slightly almond-shaped while the muzzle is of equal length to the topskull and somewhat pointed. The nose is black and the tail is very long.

Belgian Malinois

Belgian Malinois

The Belgian Malinois was once considered a part of the Belgian Sheepdog breed, until it was recognized as a separate type in America in 1959. It was named after Malines, Belgium, where it was developed. The most obvious difference between the four Belgian sheepdog breeds is their coat type and standard colors. The Belgian Malinois’s height is often evenly proportioned to its length, and it is known to carry itself quite proudly, with its high head, muscular built, and flowing gait. It has little dim eyes, upright ears, a narrow muzzle, and an even or scissors bite.

Belgian Sheepdog

Belgian Sheepdog

The breed commonly known as the Belgian Sheepdog was also given the name Groenendael to differentiate it from the other three Belgian sheepdog varieties, namely the Malinois, the Tervuren, and the Laekenois. The Groenendael looks much like the others, with its proud appearance, muscular built, even proportions, slightly pointy muzzle, tight lips, an even or scissors type bite, triangle-shaped ears, and a fluffy tail. It is named after the Belgian village where it was developed, and remains the most popular of the four Belgian sheepdog varieties. Some also refer to it as the Belgian Shepherd.

belgian tervuren

Belgian Tervuren

The Belgian Tervuren was named after a village in Belgium where it was originally developed. It was one of four types that were once collectively known as the Belgian sheepdog breed. The other three are the Groenendael (the one that is now widely referred to as the Belgian sheepdog), the Malinois, and the Laekenois. The Belgian Tervuren is evenly proportioned, with a moderately brawny built and smooth gait. It has small dim eyes, a somewhat pointy muzzle, an even or scissors bite, and upright triangular ears.



The Bergamasco is a solid, square-bodied, medium-sized dog with a thick distinctive coat that is one of its trademarks, designed to protect it from all kinds of weather and attacks from other animals. Its coat has three different types of hair that forms flocks, easily marking the breed. The coat also drapes over its eyes, which is protected from the sun's rays. In spite of its heavy coat appearance, the Bergamasco is a highly energetic and agile dog.

Bernese Mountain Dog

Bernese Mountain Dog

The Bernese mountain dog is a breed that is instantly marked by its beautiful tricolor coat of black, white, and rust. Ideally the white color runs through the cheeks, head, and toes. Its medium-length coat can either be wavy or straight. A strong dog with thick bones, its head is broad and its ears are slightly triangular. Although it has a compact body, its chest is wide. The tail is bushy and long.

Bichon Frise

Bichon Frise

The Bichon Frise is a small toy dog breed known for its white puffball coat. These dogs are very affectionate and get along with people, kids and other pets. As "people" dogs, they should not be left alone for long periods of time. The Bichon Frise is a great indoor dog that requires minimal exericse such as a short daily walk. Although it does not shed much, it has above average grooming requirements in order to maintain its beautiful, unmatted, pure white coat. The Bichon Frise is not suitable as a guard dog, watchdog or primarily outdoor dog.

Black Russian Terrier

Black Russian Terrier

The Black Russian Terrier stands out due to its unique facial characteristics (the breed has a “beard” on its head and a “mustache” on its muzzle) and its massive size; to say that it is large is probably an understatement. The Black Russian Terrier has a powerful, muscled body, with solid, strong legs. It has a large head with strong jaws and almond-shaped dark eyes. The body length should be proportionate to its length at withers. The coat of the Black Russian Terrier is thick, bristly, and waterproof, reaching up to two inches and is typically the color black.

Black and Tan Coonhound

Black and Tan Coonhound

The Black and Tan coonhound is a solidly American dog, a powerful and large dog that is accustomed to work and activity. With clean, classic distinctive lines and a well-proportioned body, the Black and Tan coonhound gives off the impression of a dog of great speed and agility. It is easily recognizable due to its black and tan colors and its coat is short, rough, and dense. The eyes are rounded and range from dark brown to hazel. The head is well-shaped and the neck and back are both strong and muscular. The shoulders are powerfully built and the forelegs are straight.

Blood Hound


The Bloodhound is a massive, powerful breed that is known for its refined head, droopy ears, and wrinkly skin. The jowls on its face give it a sad, mournful look. Its neck and back is strongly muscled and its forelegs are solid. The Bloodhound has a short coat that can either be black, black and tan, or liver-colored. This dog is is generally quiet and passive indoors but active and vocal outdoors.

Bluetick Coonhound

Bluetick Coonhound

The Bluetick coonhound belongs to the same bloodline as the Black and Tan coonhound and has some physical characteristics in common. Its coat is rough, short, and dense and is unique in the sense that it is a tricolor coat with blue mottling. The Bluetick coonhound has a heavily-muscled, deep-chested body with strong legs and well-arched feet and has long ears. It also has exceptional eyesight during the nighttime, which allows it to hunt better.



The Bolognese (also called the Bichon Bolognese) is a small, sturdy dog with a fluffy and dense white coat, consisting of long locks with no undercoat. It is a toy dog and shares many physical features with those of its cousins, the Bichon Frese, the Maltese, and the Bichon Havanese. The Bolognese is of a solid build, with its body length being equal to its height at withers. The head is of average length and ears are set wide apart, giving the Bolognese a square appearance.

Border Collie

Border Collie

The Border Collie is known as the world's premiere sheep herding dog. Its agility, athletic appearance and stamina stand in equal measure with its grace and substance. Its hard, muscular body is well-balanced conveying the impression of effortless movement and endless endurance. The Border Collie is extremely intelligent. Its keen, alert expression, eagerness and intensity are key characteristics of its breed.

Border Terrier

Border Terrier

The Border Terrier, or BT as it is affectionately called, is small spunky terrier with a coarse, wiry double coat. He has dark lively eyes, a short muzzle, black nose and small ears. A Border Terrier is alert, active and agile, and because it was bred to hunt, it is capable of squeezing through narrow apertures and rapidly traversing any kind of terrain. The characteristic "otter" head with its keen eye, combined with a body poise which is "at the alert," gives a look of fearless and implacable determination characteristic of the breed.



The Borzois are gentle, well-mannered dogs who have grace and beauty, yet they enjoy having fun and racing games. Known as the Russian Wolfhound, the breed was associated to the Russian and English nobility. Its tall and elegant body, its courage and agility are designed for speed and hunting. Borzois are proud, affectionate, loyal to its family and tolerant of other dogs. It is also known for being calm and independent.

Boston Terrier

Boston Terrier

The Boston Terrier, a native American breed, is known for its sunny disposition. This compact, well-muscled dog loves to go for walks and as companions or house pets, they have few equals. The Boston Terrier is one of the most popular breeds in the United States and has been rightfully given the name of the American Gentleman because of its affectionate nature. The Boston Terrier is a highly intelligent dog and can sometimes be determined and self willed. Even though they are small, they'll bark to let their family know if someone is at the door.

bouvier des flandres

Bouvier des Flandres

The Bouvier des Flandres is a herding dog- powerfully built, rugged and formidable in appearance. Its harsh double coat protects him in all types of weather; while his keen sense of smell and watchful gaze make him a most suitable farm dog. The Bouvier is agile, spirited and bold with a calm and steady manner. He thrives on plenty of room to work and exercise, but is not an "outdoor dog"; he must live with his loving people -- his "flock," his "pack".



The Boxer is a medium-sized, square built dog of good substance with short back, strong limbs, and short, tight-fitting coat. The broad, blunt muzzle is the Boxer’s distinctive feature. As a “people dog”, the Boxer is a playful and fun-loving, and one of the delightful qualities that sets the Boxer apart is the unique mobility of his expressive face. The skin furrowing of the forehead, the dark, "soulful" eyes, and at times almost human attempts to "converse," make his replacement by another breed difficult for one who has owned a Boxer. He mimics the mood of his master and can spend hours quietly lying at his feet. Boxers particularly love children.

boykin spaniel

Boykin Spaniel

The Boykin Spaniel is recognized as the state dog of South Carolina. It is an excellent hunting and retrieving dog. Sporting a spaniel-like head and a typically waterproof curly coat, the Boykin spaniel has curly ears set high on its head and dark brown eyes that are shaped well-apart.

bracco italiano

Bracco Italiano

The Bracco Italiano is a breed of noble appearance, a powerful and well-shaped hunting dog with a short, dense coat. It has a head that is shaped distinctively and jowls that put into mind the basset and the bloodhound. Its deep chest and well-muscled legs gives a hint to its strength and agility and its overall body appearance gives off a square shape. The Bracco Italiano is a great dual-purpose family and working dog.



The Briard or Chien Berger de Brie is a dog of handsome form. It is an old breed, used for guarding and herding stock in France. This was an "all arounder", a farm dog that had multiple tasks to accomplish. The Briard was a partner to the shepherd, relying on intelligence and its independent nature to get those tasks done. He was a family dog as well, going home at night to watch over the family and their household. A big-hearted and a gentle loving dog, the Briard makes a wonderful family pet and an excellent watchdog. His herding instincts are strong and he is happiest leading a busy, active life.

Brittany Spaniel

Brittany Spaniel

The Brittany or Brittany Spaniel is a compact, leggy dog originally bred to hunt. He makes an excellent pointing bird dog because of his keen sense of smell. Aside from the Britanny’s exceptional nose, his excellent working ability account for his popularity. The natural ability of the Brittany sells him as a breed to many neophytes in the field of hunting as he seems to know better what to do than his master. He can be tail-less or have his tail docked to approximately four inches. Agreeable with children and other pets.

Brussels Griffon

Brussels Griffon

The Brussels Griffon, named for the city of his origin, Brussels, Belgium, is a lively, sturdy toy dog who is intelligent, alert and has a terrier like disposition. Also known as the Griffon Bruxellois, he attracts attention by his almost humanlike, quizzical expressions. Even though he requires the protections need by any toy breed, the Brussels Griffon is a bright and alert companion.



Known as the national symbol of Great Britain, the Bulldog is a medium sized dog with a smooth coat, heavy, thick-set, low-swung body, massive short-faced head, wide shoulders and sturdy limbs. The Bulldog is an ideal pet as he loves to be in the company of his family, adores children and makes an excellent companion to them because of his gentle, sometimes stubborn nature. He was originally a fighting dog, but now he's about as easygoing as a dog can be.

Bull Mastiff


The Bullmastiff is a powerfully built animal showing great strength, endurance and alertness. The breed was developed in England by gamekeepers for protection against poachers. The foundation breeding was 60% Mastiff and 40% Bulldog. The Bullmastiff is a levelheaded, steady dog and makes a devoted, gentle companion. He gets along well with other family pets and loves children. He is brave and protective. He saves his deep bark for really important matters. He is large and strong, so early obedience training is a must. As a puppy, his chewing needs are big too.

Bull Terrier

Bull Terrier

A typical Bull Terrier is active, interesting, playful and clownish. It is this character that is probably the outstanding feature which draws prospective owners to the breed. Known for his sense of humor, the Bull Terrier is an outgoing dog with a dominant nature and needs firm handling by his owner. A tenacious fighter, the Bull Terrier is most often dog-aggressive and has a high prey drive towards small animals such as cats. Bull Terriers become very attached to their owners and their families.

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