
Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Dog Catcher Near Me

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The field of Animal Control has grown in the past few years as population, and popularity, of pets has skyrocketed. Unfortunately not all pet owners take full responsibility for the care and needs of their animals. We all hear the heartbreaking stories of neglect and abuse that take place every day. Our small city Animal Control Department works closely with the police, MSPCA, and local rescues to prevent and stop local cases.

Other duties performed by the Animal Control officers include catching lost or injured dogs, so they are safe from the city elements. Reuniting these pups with their families, or placing them into new loving adoptive homes, is our ultimate goal. Wearing a license and microchiping your pet makes their stay with us much shorter, and assures a safe return home.

A computer log is kept of both missing pets and found strays. Unfortunately the city does not have a facility to hold the massive amount of stray cats found in the city, we do work with rescues to fix them so populations cannot grow any further. We are also happy to take down a description of any stray cat that starts hanging around, just incase someone has lost it.

We are happy to try and advise or educate anyone on wildlife issues. We do our best to protect the public from sick wildlife, and help rehabilitate the injured.

Our job is to assist all of God’s creatures, our hearts ache for all beings lost along the roadside. No one will ever understand the decisions we are forced to make everyday in order to protect the safety and well being of the public and animal community. We work in many dangerous situations with limited resources. It only becomes worth it when you can look into the grateful eyes of a rescued life. Our Animal Control Department depends on your patience and support!

Officer Michelle Hamel and Officer Susan Ingham thank you for helping to keep all of our furry friends safe, healthy and happy!

Please Leash and License your Dogs It is their ticket home!

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