Showing posts with label Do Police Dogs Get Paid. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Do Police Dogs Get Paid. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Do Police Dogs Get Paid

[caption id="attachment_1110" align="aligncenter" width="560"]do-police-dogs-get-paid do-police-dogs-get-paid[/caption]

They do not require pay as their expenses, food, shelter, medical care are all provided by the department. The handler may get some additional pay to cover any incidental expenses as the dogs usually live with the handlers.

The dogs however do get rewarded. That is what they need, want and what makes them happy. For the dogs the whole thing is fun. Find the thing that smells like this, the one who takes care of me pets me, says nice things to me, plays with me. Run after the one the one who takes care of me says to, yay, running, chasing, catching, hanging on.

The one who takes care of me, plays with me, pets me, feeds me, must be protected.

From the dog’s point of view they are either having fun playing this game, or they are seriously protecting the one that takes care of them. That is their reward, their pay. They would not do it at all if it was not important to them.

Police dogs to get a pension plan: Animals to be given £1,500 each to help pay medical bills after they retire from service

A UK police force has become the first in the country to offer pensions for retired police dogs.

Crime-fighting canines will be rewarded with up to £1,500 each under the Nottinghamshire Police scheme.

Previously, ex-police dogs received no contributions towards their upkeep and would be kept by their handlers as pets or rehomed.

A new scheme will pay up to £1,500 for each retired police dog's costs, as they are usually taken on by their handlers as pets

A new scheme in Nottinghamshire will pay up to £1,500 for each retired police dog's costs, because they are usually taken on by their handlers as pets

The payouts will cover treatments for the highly-trained animals, including vet’s bills, worming, vaccinations and kennel fees.

Notts. Police say they will pay a maximum of £500 per year for three years to cover the upkeep of retired animals.

However the plans, which will be rolled out next month, have met with criticism from campaigners who say the money, which will total around £39,000 for the force’s 26 police dogs, is a rough deal for taxpayers.

Six dogs retire from the police force every year after a career sniffing out drugs, bombs and searching properties

Six dogs retire from the police force every year after a career sniffing out drugs, bombs and searching properties

Asked what he made of such comments, Paddy Tipping, Police and Crime Commissioner for Notts. Police, said: 'I guess the criticism is, "well hang on a minute, we should spend the money elsewhere". Well, you’ve got to make judgments about priorities.'

He added: 'We look after the people who work for us who have been police officers and staff - they get a decent retirement and I think it’s important the same is done for the dogs.

'These animals work hard for the police and they are officers in their own right.

'Many of the force’s dogs are fit and healthy when they retire but some need medical treatment for injury or illness resulting from being worked hard while tackling crime.

'These dogs give willing and sterling service over the years in protecting the public so I am delighted to approve a scheme that will ensure continuing medical help once their work is done.'

Handler PC Matt Rogers believes his dog Rossi may have saved his life in a terrifying incident last November.

The eight-year-old Belgian shepherd/malinois cross leapt 8ft into the air to grab an axe from the hand of a man as PC Rogers tried to arrest him in Boughton.

Rossi is expected to retire in the next 12 months or so after spending most of his life working for Notts Police and helping to make 'many hundreds' of arrests.

PC Rogers said: 'I’m really pleased and I think it’s only right. As an organisation that works with animals we need to set an example.

Paddy Tipping, Police and Crime Commissioner for Notts. Police, said he was 'concerned to learn' dog pensions weren't already being offered

Paddy Tipping, Police and Crime Commissioner for Notts. Police, said he was 'concerned to learn' dog pensions weren't already being offered

'With Rossi by my side while I’m tackling a suspect I almost can’t miss. I love him to bits, he looks after me.'

Around six police dogs retire every year after spending their lives assisting with arrests, crowd control, sniffing out drugs and searching properties.

Mr Tipping said: 'Let’s be clear about it, if the officers didn’t look after the dogs when they retire from the force they would be put down.

'The police officers have become very fond of the dogs, they keep the dogs, and I don’t think it’s fair that they have to pay all the bills.'

Notts Police is the first force to offer an ‘in-house’ pension scheme for its retired canine officers.

In 2009, Cambridgeshire Police announced it had set up a trust to fund a similar retirement plan for its dogs.