
Thursday, November 9, 2017

Call Of The Wild Dog Food

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Taste of the Wild (Dry)

The Taste of the Wild product line includes nine dry dog foods.

Each recipe below includes its related AAFCO nutrient profile when available on the product’s official webpage: Growth, Maintenance, All Life Stages, Supplemental or Unspecified.

  • Taste of the Wild Southwest Canyon [A]

  • Taste of the Wild Pine Forest (4 stars) [A]

  • Taste of the Wild Sierra Mountain (4 stars) [A]

  • Taste of the Wild Wetlands Formula (5 stars) [M]

  • Taste of the Wild High Prairie Formula (5 stars) [M]

  • Taste of the Wild Appalachian Valley Small Breed [M]

  • Taste of the Wild Pacific Stream Formula (4 stars) [M]

  • Taste of the Wild High Prairie Puppy Formula (4 stars) [A]

  • Taste of the Wild Pacific Stream Puppy Formula (4 stars) [A]

Taste of the Wild Southwest Canyon was selected to represent the other products in the line for this review.

Taste of the Wild Southwest Canyon

Dry Dog Food

Estimated Dry Matter Nutrient Content




Ingredients: Beef, peas, garbanzo beans, lamb meal, canola oil, egg product, wild boar, ocean fish meal, pea flourbrewers yeasttomato pomace, flaxseed, natural flavor, salmon oil (a source of DHA), salt, choline chloride, dried chicory root, tomatoes, blueberries, raspberries, Yucca schidigera extract, dried Lactobacillus acidophilus fermentation product, dried Bifidobacterium animalis fermentation product, dried Lactobacillus reuteri fermentation product, vitamin E supplement, iron proteinate, zinc proteinate, copper proteinate, ferrous sulfate, zinc sulfate, copper sulfate, potassium iodide, thiamine mononitrate (vitamin B1), manganese proteinate, manganous oxide, ascorbic acid, vitamin A supplement, biotin, niacin, calcium pantothenate, manganese sulfate, sodium selenite, pyridoxine hydrochloride (vitamin B6), vitamin B12 supplement, riboflavin (vitamin B2), vitamin D supplement, folic acid

Fiber (estimated dry matter content) = 5.6%

Red items indicate controversial ingredients

Estimated Nutrient Content
Guaranteed Analysis29%15%NA
Dry Matter Basis32%17%43%
Calorie Weighted Basis28%35%37%

Calorie Weighted BasisProteinFatCarbs28%37%35%

Nutrient Type% Composition

The first ingredient in this dog food is beef. Although it’s a quality item, raw beef contains about 80% water. After cooking, most of that moisture is lost, reducing the meat content to just a fraction of its original weight.

After processing, this item would probably account for a smaller part of the total content of the finished product.

The second ingredient includes peas. Peas are a quality source of carbohydrates. And like all legumes, they’re rich in natural fiber.

However, peas contain about 25% protein, a factor that must be considered when judging the meat content of this dog food.

The third ingredient lists garbanzo beans, also known as chickpeas. Like peas, bean and lentils, the chickpea is a nutritious member of the fiber-rich legume (pulse) family of vegetables.

Garbanzos contain about 22% protein, something which must be considered when evaluating the total protein reported in this food.

The fourth ingredient is lamb meal. Lamb meal is considered a meat concentrate and contains nearly 300% more protein than fresh lamb.

The fifth ingredient is canola oil. Unfortunately, canola can be a controversial item. That’s because it can sometimes (but not always) be derived from genetically modified rapeseed.

Yet others cite the fact canola oil can be a significant source of essential omega-3 fatty acids.

In any case, plant-based oils like canola are less biologically availableto a dog than fish oil as a source of quality omega-3 fats.

The sixth ingredient is egg product, an unspecified (wet or dry?) form of shell-free eggs. Quality can vary significantly. Lower grade egg product can even come from commercial hatcheries — from eggs that have failed to hatch.

In any case, eggs are easy to digest and have an exceptionally high biological value.

The seventh ingredient is boar, an animal closely related to wild pig. Although it is a quality item, raw boar contains about 80% water. After cooking, most of that moisture is lost, reducing the meat content to just a fraction of its original weight.

After processing, this item would probably account for a smaller part of the total content of the finished product.

The eighth ingredient is ocean fish meal, another protein-rich meat concentrate.

Unfortunately, the phrase “ocean fish” is vague and does little to adequately describe this ingredient. Since some fish are higher in omega-3 fats than others, it’s impossible for us to judge the quality of this item.

Fish meal is typically obtained from the “clean, dried, ground tissue of undecomposed whole fish and fish cuttings” of commercial fish operations.1

The ninth ingredient is pea flour, a powder made from roasted yellow peas. Pea flour contains as much as 25% protein, a factor that must be considered when judging the meat content of this dog food.

From here, the list goes on to include a number of other items.

But to be realistic, ingredients located this far down the list (other than nutritional supplements) are not likely to affect the overall rating of this product.

With five notable exceptions

First, brewers yeast can be a controversial item. Although it’s a by-product of the beer making process, this ingredient is rich in minerals and other healthy nutrients.

Fans believe yeast repels fleas and supports the immune system.

Critics argue yeast ingredients can be linked to allergies. This may be true, but (like all allergies) only if your particular dog is allergic to the yeast itself.

In addition, a vocal minority insists yeast can increase the risk of developing the life-threatening condition known as bloat. However, this is a claim we’ve not been able to scientifically verify.

In any case, unless your dog is specifically allergic to it, yeast can still be considered a nutritious additive.

What’s more noteworthy here is that brewers yeast contains about 48% protein, a factor that must be considered when judging the actual meat content of this dog food.

Next, we find tomato pomace. Tomato pomace is a controversial ingredient, a by-product remaining after processing tomatoes into juice, soup and ketchup.

Many praise tomato pomace for its high fiber and nutrient content, while others scorn it as an inexpensive pet food filler.

Just the same, there’s probably not enough tomato pomace here to make much of a difference.

In addition, flaxseed is one of the best plant sources of healthy omega-3 fatty acids. Provided they’ve first been ground into a meal, flax seeds are also rich in soluble fiber.

However, flaxseed contains about 19% protein, a factor that must be considered when judging the actual meat content of this dog food.

Next, chicory root is rich in inulin, a starch-like compound made up of repeating units of carbohydrates and found in certain roots and tubers.

Not only is inulin a natural source of soluble dietary fiber, it’s also a prebiotic used to promote the growth of healthy bacteria in a dog’s digestive tract.

And lastly, this food contains chelated minerals, minerals that have been chemically attached to protein. This makes them easier to absorb. Chelated minerals are usually found in better dog foods.

Taste of the Wild Dog Food
The Bottom Line

Judging by its ingredients alone, Taste of the Wild Dog Food looks like an above-average dry product.

But ingredient quality by itself cannot tell the whole story. We still need to estimate the product’s meat content before determining a final rating.

The dashboard displays a dry matter protein reading of 32%, a fat level of 17% and estimated carbohydrates of about 43%.

As a group, the brand features an average protein content of 32% and a mean fat level of 18%. Together, these figures suggest a carbohydrate content of 42% for the overall product line.

And a fat-to-protein ratio of about 57%.

Above-average protein. Above-average fat. And below-average carbs when compared to a typical dry dog food.

When you consider the protein-boosting effect of the pea products, garbanzo beans, brewers yeast and flaxseed in this recipe, and the potato protein contained in other recipes, this looks like the profile of a kibble containing a moderate amount of meat.

Bottom line?

Taste of the Wild is a plant-based dry dog food using a moderate amount of named meats as its main sources of animal protein, thus earning the brand 4.5 stars.

Highly recommended.

Please note certain recipes are sometimes given a higher or lower rating based upon our estimate of their total meat content and (when appropriate) their fat-to-protein ratios.

Taste of the Wild Recall History

The following list (if present) includes all dog food recalls since 2009 directly related to this product line. If there are no recalls listed in this section, we have not yet reported any events.

  • Diamond Dog Food Recall Summary (5/6/2012)

You can view a complete list of all dog food recalls sorted by date. Or view the same list sorted alphabetically by brand.

To learn why our ratings have nothing to do with a product’s recall history, please visit our Dog Food Recalls FAQ page.

Get free dog food recall alerts sent to you by email. Subscribe to The Advisor’s recall notification list.

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Can All Dogs Swim

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Can All Dogs Swim?

Q. Do dogs know how to swim naturally? If not, how can I teach my dog? She's a Border Collie mix, and she gets very hot when I take her to the lake with us.

A. Dogs will naturally start “dog paddling” when they find themselves in water, but that doesn’t mean that they can stay afloat for any length of time, that they like being in the water, or that they can safely swim.

Dogs who can’t swim — though they may try their best — are typically those with large, heavy chests in relation to their hindquarters, and they often have short muzzles. These dogs may swim well enough to splash about a little under supervision while wearing a life vest, but that’s about it. The most extreme example of these breeds, the Bulldog, is so poorly built for water survival that breeders and rescue groups often require a home check to ensure that a pool is safely fenced off, and that an emergency monitor is used to alert those inside the house when something, such as a child or dog, breaks the surface of the water. Bulldogs typically sink like rocks.

How to Teach Your Dog to Swim

There aren't any physical reasons why your Border Collie can’t swim, but she may nonetheless be reluctant to do so. Even in breeds that were bred for swimming — such as Labrador Retrievers — you’ll occasionally find a dog who doesn’t enjoy being in the water. You can try encouraging your dog to swim by going out and seeing if she’ll follow, and rewarding her with praise. Dogs who love to play fetch will often go out after tennis balls or other floating toys. You might get her swimming by letting her get comfortable at a certain depth and then throwing the toy in water that’s progressively deeper. Finally, many dogs will swim just to join in the fun if they are around other dogs who enjoy swimming.

But again, even if your dog comes to love swimming, safety is still up to you. Make sure your dog doesn’t get overly tired, and be aware that puppies and older dogs tire more easily and seem less aware of their fatigue until it’s too late. Stay away from strong currents and areas with underwater debris that can entangle a dog.

Keep Your Non-Swimmer Comfortable

If your dog never comes to enjoy swimming, she can still enjoy going to the lake with you. Make sure she wears a life vest. Booties wouldn't hurt if the sand is sizzling. She also must have nonstop access to cool drinking water and must be able to get into the shade as often as she wants. When she starts to get hot, take a bucket and soak her frequently, especially her belly. Be aware, always, of signs of heat stress.

If you’re able to keep her cool, she’ll be able to enjoy her lake time with you safely, even if she never does learn to like swimming all that much.

Is Every Dog a Natural Swimmer?

Can Chocolate Kill Dogs

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Can chocolate really kill dogs?

Want to give your dog hyperthermia, muscle tremors, seizures? Put it into a coma? Or simply kill it? If so, feed it chocolate this Christmas - ideally posh dark chocolate containing particularly high levels of theobromine.

Theobromine is a bitter alkaloid of the cocoa plant found in chocolate. Although harmless to humans, it can cause vomiting, diarrhoea, convulsions and even death in animals that digest theobromine slowly, such as dogs. The lethal dosage is between 250 and 500mg per kg of body weight. So if Rover's a chihuahua, that chocolate button will be more toxic than if he were a rottweiler.

Usually, the darker the chocolate, the more theobromine it contains. A 40g bar of Green & Black's organic dark 70% chocolate, for instance, contains 48mg theobromine - not enough to kill, perhaps, but enough to induce what vets call "digestive issues", not to mention dehydration, excitability, and a slow heart rate. White chocolate contains lower proportions of theobromine.

The RSPCA has long campaigned against feeding dogs chocolate - especially at Christmas, when tree decorations, chocolate boxes and unsuspecting owners provide lots of opportunities for theobromine poisoning. Last year the Veterinary Poisons Information Service received 790 calls about chocolate poisoning; this year the figure is already at 844. Steve Cheetham, RSPCA head of veterinary services, says: "Special chocolate drops are available from pet shops if you want to give your dog a chocolate treat." These are made of carob and so contain no theobromine.

If caught early, theobromine poisoning is treatable. Ask yourself this, though: do you really want to spend Christmas inducing your dog to vomit and/or feeding him charcoal slurry, which absorbs the toxic material? The answer is no.

Chocolate is poisonous to dogs; however, the hazard of chocolate to your dog depends on the type of chocolate, the amount consumed and your dog's size. In large enough amounts, chocolate and cocoa products can kill your dog.

Why not chocolate?

  • The toxic component of chocolate is theobromine. Humans easily metabolize theobromine, but dogs process it much more slowly, allowing it to build up to toxic levels in their system.

  • A large dog can consume more chocolate than a small dog before suffering ill effects.

  • A small amount of chocolate will probably only give your dog an upset stomach with vomiting or diarrhea.

  • With large amounts, theobromine can produce muscle tremors, seizures, an irregular heartbeat, internal bleeding or a heart attack. The onset of theobromine poisoning is usually marked by severe hyperactivity.

The usual treatment for theobromine poisoning is to induce vomiting within two hours of ingestion. If you are worried or suspect that your dog may have eaten a large quantity of chocolate and they are showing any of the signs listed above, call your veterinarian immediately.

If you have a small dog that has eaten a box of chocolates, you need to call and go to your veterinarian right away. Do not wait.

Different chocolate types have different theobromine levels. Cocoa, cooking chocolate and dark chocolate contain the highest levels, while milk chocolate and white chocolate have the lowest. If you’re dealing with any quantity of dark or bitter chocolate, err on the side of caution. The high level of theobromine in dark chocolate means it takes only a very small amount to poison a dog. Less than an ounce of dark chocolate may be enough to poison a 44-pound dog.

Of course, never consider chocolate as a reward. Always provide healthy Hill’s® Ideal Balance™ or Science Diet® Treats or simply reward your dog with lots of love and attention.

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Can Dogs Be Allergic To Cats

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cally, there’s a slight chance you could end up with a dog that’s allergic to a cat, and gets sneezy, red eyed, itchy, and physically miserable whenever a feline is around.


It’s definitely rare for allergens from cats to cause problems for canines. It can happen, though (and, in fact, a dog could be allergic to certain humans). The only way to tell whether your dog actually has a cat allergy is to run allergy tests, which a vet probably won’t run unless it’s necessary to diagnosis an existing problem.

You can look at the types of dog and cat you’re considering bringing together, then make an educated decision about whether there could be a problem. For instance, if you have dogs who are highly sensitive to environmental factors such as smoke, perfume, or mold, they may have atopic or inhaled allergies. Dogs that are allergic to one environmental allergen may also have a reaction to other allergens. Their symptoms may also become worse when multiple allergens are present at once. If you have one of these sensitive canines, you may want to ask your vet whether bringing a kitty into the house could further irritate your dog.

Another factor to consider is the type of cat you might bring into a doggie home. While all cats shed and scatter dander, some breeds are considered hypoallergenic, which means they are less likely to cause an allergic reaction.


While no pet parent wants to consider getting rid of a beloved dog or cat, it may be something you should consider if your dog is having severe allergy symptoms. However, if you are vigilant about battling cat dander, your pets may still be able to coexist, allergies and all.

Cats may need to be washed at least once a week to manage dander. You’ll also need to use a HEPA vacuum daily to clean hair and dander off of furniture, carpets and floors, draperies, and any other surfaces. Air purifiers may also help. Talk to your vet about treatment options that can reduce your dog’s symptoms as well.

Can Your Dog or Cat Be Allergic to You?

Our pets can suffer from many of the same allergens that make humans miserable, including pollen, veterinarians say.

Spring has sprung, and with it the return of warmer weather, longer days, and one decidedly unwelcome guest: allergies.

It's also the perfect season to turn the tables and look at allergies from our pets' point of view. So for Weird Animal Question of the Week, we're responding to National Geographic's own Emily Tye, who asks: "Can catsbe allergic to dogs, or vice versa?"

We also wonder—can they be allergic to us?

"The answer to all of these is yes," says Raelynn Farnsworth, of Washington State University's College of Veterinary Medicine. (See "Coughing Cats May Be Allergic to People, Vets Say.")

"It's rare, but dogs can be allergic to cat dander and people dander and vice versa. For everything."

Dander is made up of tiny cells shed from hair, fur, or feathers—and though you mostly hear it in relation to pets, humans produce it, too. Other common pet allergies include flea saliva and certain foods.


For dogs, the most common clinical signs are skin inflammation and itching, Farnsworth says. Other symptoms may include sneezing and runny noses. (Take National Geographic's dog quiz.)

Cats' allergy symptoms can manifest as miliary dermatitis, which shows up as little scabs or missing hair, typically around the head and neck area, though it can happen elsewhere, she says.

It's always important to observe how long symptoms occur in your pet—for instance, year-round symptoms may indicate a food allergy or reaction to something else in their environment that's not seasonal.

Luckily, pets can be tested for a variety of environmental allergens—both seasonal and non-seasonal, says Christine Cain, of the University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine.

"We routinely test dogs for reactions to cat dander," she says. "This includes a small amount of allergen placed under the skin to test for reactions, just like in human allergy testing," Cain says.

Generally, veterinarians will look for common allergens "like dust mites and human dander, or things we encounter in the environment like feathers, sheep wool, or pollens," says Washington State University's Farnsworth.

Those are the usual suspects, but as with us, Farnsworth says, pets can be allergic to anything, and it can be difficult to figure out the culprit with general testing.


So what if your pet is allergic to you?

"It always makes owners kind of sad if their reaction is to human dander," Cain says, but happily the two of you don't have to part. (See "Why Do We Get Allergies?")

"If we have a patient that reacts to human dander, usually they react to other allergens as well," she says.

That means your vet can treat the pet's allergy, either with allergy shots or oral drops that contain small amounts of the problem allergens. This retrains your pet's system to ignore the allergen.

Of course, the cat might always be faking an allergy in hopes you'll get rid of the dog.

Can Dogs Catch A Cold

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Sick as a Dog: Can Dogs Get Colds?

Does your dog have the sniffles? Watery eyes? Is he sneezing and coughing? Can dogs catch colds? Yes, they can, and the symptoms can range from mild to severe depending on the type of cold virus he’s caught (just as human colds can vary in severity). How do you know when your dog has a cold or something worse? How do you treat his symptoms? Not to worry — we’ll give you everything you need to know about dogs and colds so you can be sure you’re taking good care of your precious pup.

Can Dogs Catch Colds from Humans?

It’s a fairly common misconception that dogs and other pets can catch colds from humans. Although your dog’s symptoms may mimic yours when you have a cold, the viruses are different and don’t cross between species. So if you’re both sick at the same time, rest assured — it’s just an unfortunate coincidence.

What dog cold Symptoms Should You Look For?

What are dog colds symptoms? Like we said above, a dog’s cold symptoms can be very similar to human symptoms — a runny or stuffed up nose, watery eyes, sneezing and coughing. He may be more lethargic and not eat as much as usual. But it’s important to distinguish a cold from other dog illnesses that could be more severe. The following video has some important tips on how you can tell when your dog is sick.

Other Conditions To Rule Out

If you’re worried that your dog has something other than a common canine cold, here are some other illnesses and conditions that can cause similar symptoms.

  • Kennel Cough – an infectious virus that causes a cough with a loud honking sound, usually transmitted by dogs in a kennel environment – learn more about Kennel Cough

  • Influenza Virus – cold-like symptoms but typically with a fever – learn more about canine flu

  • Allergies – allergies to environmental conditions or food products are just as common in dogs as in humans – learn more about allergy symptoms

  • Parasites – a number of different parasites can get into a dog’s lungs and trachea and cause chronic coughing

When To Call Your Veterinarian?

If your dog is a young puppy or an old dog, his immune system may not be up to par so it’s best to check with your vet if he’s showing cold-like symptoms. If your otherwise robust dog exhibits severe symptoms, or is lethargic for more than a few days, contact your vet to make sure he hasn’t developed an infection that could require antibiotics or other treatment. And if your pup is experiencing vomiting and diarrhea along with cold-like symptoms, it could be an indication of a more severe illness.

How Should You Treat Your Dog’s Cold?

We all hate to see our pups suffer. Consider some of the following home remedies that can help alleviate cold symptoms.

Inhale Steam

Run a hot bath or shower so that steam builds up in your bathroom or use a common vaporizer in the room where your dog sleeps. Just as with humans, steam can help clear up his nasal passages.

Drink Fluids and Be Sure He Eats

Make sure your pup is drinking plenty of water and give him some good old chicken noodle soup. Any kind of soup is good for dogs with colds. Keep him hydrated!

Get Rest

It’s probably not a good idea to take your pup on long walks until his symptoms improve, although he may not feel good enough to go walking anyway. Also, try to restrict play time for very active dogs (easier said than done, we know!).

Try Herbal Remedies

Herbs that are vitamin C rich help boost your dog’s immune system. Safe herbal remedies for dogs include eucalyptus, elderberry extract or flowers, colloidal silver and mullein flowers. Check with a holistic veterinarian to make sure you’re giving your dog the appropriate amounts of herbs and for tips on how to administer them.

How to Stave Off the Sniffles?

As the old saying goes, “prevention is the best medicine.” The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals recommends dogs get vaccinated every year with the “5-in-1” vaccine that protects him from distemper, hepatitis, leptospirosis, parvovirus and parainfluenza. While this won’t completely protect him from the common doggie cold, it does protect him from more severe illnesses that share some of the same symptoms — and it helps boost his overall immune system. If your dog is sick and you’re still not sure if he has a cold or something else, err on the side of caution. Your veterinarian is the best judge.

How can you tell when your dog has a cold?

Can My Dog 'Catch' a Cold?

Winter isn’t the only time of year we have to worry about "catching" a cold, but it is the primary time for it. We’re spending more time in closed quarters, with windows and doors shut tight and no way to escape the germs. It is only a matter of time before someone in the house becomes sick. It could be you, but did you know that it could also be your dog that comes down with this common respiratory infection?

While there are differences in the types of viruses that infect humans versus dogs, the symptoms are basically the same: sneezing, coughing, runny or stuffy nose, watery eyes. What can you do to protect your dog from catching cold, or if your dog does come down with a case of the cold, what can you do to treat it?

Different Germs, Different Viruses

As mentioned above, the type of cold a dog suffers from is different from the type a human suffers from. The illness is not communicable between species — at least, one has not yet been discovered — so there is no need to worry about catching your dog’s cold, or vice versa.

You will need to differentiate a common cold from a more serious health issue. For example, a common cause of dry cough is a condition known as "kennel cough." This contagious type of cough, as its name suggests, is typically contracted through a kennel or boarding facility. This cough is most easily recognized by its characteristic honking sound. If your dog has recently been boarded or has had contact with a dog that has been boarded recently, this will need to be considered, and will need to be treated by a veterinarian.

There are other highly contagious, cold-like illnesses to be familiar with, as well. The influenza virus, parainfluenza virus, adenovirus, and tuberculosis are all illnesses that can be transmitted by infected dogs.

Another potentially life-endangering viral illness is canine distemper. A dog exhibiting symptoms of distemper will usually have coughing, vomiting, high fever, and a thick discharge from the eyes and nose.

When a Cold is Not a Germ or a Virus

There are several types of parasites that can get into the lungs, heart and trachea, and which can also cause symptoms that mimic a cold infection. Coughing and other breathing problems are the main symptoms. Fungal infections are also commonly found in dogs, and can sometimes lead to life threatening conditions, when the fungal parasite sets up house in the lungs, causing ongoing, repetitive coughing, scarring of the lung tissue, and eventually, in some cases, pneumonia.

More difficult to distinguish in many instances, but just as common in animals as in humans, are allergies to environmental triggers and/or food products. An undiagnosed asthma or allergies that trigger respiratory symptoms can also bring on coughing and sneezing fits in dogs.

Monday, November 6, 2017

Can Dogs Eat Avocado

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Avocados and Pets

Is This Fruit Toxic to Dogs, Cats and Birds?

Christine Gowen, Pet HealthZone Editor

My yellow Labrador retriever, Shelby, is nuts about avocados.

At a certain time of year, Shelby would make a habit of disappearing around the side of a neighbor’s house, then heel to us grudgingly while licking her chops.

Upon further investigation, we discovered her down on her elbows beneath the neighbor’s avocado tree, her paws griping one of its fallen ripe fruit while she gnawed on the thick skin enthusiastically. She then put up a long chase before relenting and giving up her treasure.

At the time, we were alarmed; we had been told that avocados were poisonous to dogs and cats.

A dog park debate ensued: Was it the avocado leaves, the pit or the skin that was toxic? Someone had heard that avocados were toxic to birds, too. But wasn’t avocado an ingredient in pet food?

We wanted to know: What’s the truth about avocados and pets?

Avocado History

An avocado—rich in potassium, fiber and the “good” fat — is native to Central Mexico but can be cultivated in tropical and Mediterranean climates. A single avocado tree can produce more than 500 avocados each year.

Known as the “fertility fruit” by Aztecs, an avocado dating back to 10,000 B.C. was discovered in a Coxcatlan, Puebla, Mexico cave. Clearly, this fruit was popular long before it became a staple at Super Bowl games and summer barbecues.

Interesting facts: An avocado yields 60% more potassium than a banana and is also called an alligator pear and butter fruit in other parts of the world.

Is An Avocado Toxic to Dogs and Cats?


This much is true: Parts of an avocado contain an oil-soluble toxin called persin. Specifically, the fruit’s seed, bark and leaves are composed of this toxic, fatty acid derivative.

But is persin poisonous to our dogs and cats?

“Despite the rumors, avocado is not poisonous to dogs, nor likely to cats,” says Dr. Justine Lee, a board-certified emergency critical care veterinary specialist and author of two popular books on pets.

“Dogs and cats don’t seem to be affected by persin,” explains Lee. “However, birds and large animals (such as horses and cattle) have issues with persin toxicity, as it can be deadly in these species.

“The bigger risk to dogs and cats is the foreign body obstruction that can occur when the avocado seed is ingested—it’s a large seed and can get stuck in the esophagus, stomach or intestinal tract.”

So, while avocado is safe for our dogs and cats to eat, the best bet is to limit their access to the fruit itself. This can prevent accidental choking as well as unexpected emergency surgery to remove the golf ball-sized pit from within your pet’s body.

Pet birds, however, should never be fed avocado.

Avian and Avocado Toxicity


According to Lee, birds such as canaries, parakeets, cockatiels and large parrots are extremely susceptible to persin toxicity.

Owners should avoid feeding their birds fresh avocado or even packaged, ready-to-serve guacamole.

Symptoms of persin toxicosis in birds includes the inability to perch, respiratory distress, congestion, fluid accumulation around the bird’s heart and lungs and liver and kidney failure.

If caught in time, your bird can receive treatment for avocado poisoning; however, due to a bird’s high metabolic rate and unique anatomy (including air sacs), many birds do not survive once exposed to avocado or other dangerous poisons.

Concerns about Poisons and Pets

Most veterinarians would recommend that we use the “better be safe than sorry” approach when it comes to feeding our pets table scraps and foods usually reserved for our dinner plates.

If you have concerns about fruits, vegetables and other foods that you might considering feeding your pet, make sure to discuss first with your veterinarian to avoid any accidental poisoning or gastrointestinal issues. There are numerous foods that have proven to be toxic to our pets.

One step to ensure my pet’s safety? Making sure that my adventurous — and insatiably hungry — Labrador can no longer rummage for a snack in my neighbor’s yard.

Can Dogs Eat Avocado?

Bring out the guacamole, but don’t feed it to the dogs. Avocados are a healthy and delicious snack for people. The same is not true for most animals, dogs included, thanks to a toxin called persin.


Avocado Toxicity in Dogs

Avocado is associated with a host of problems in many animals, including cattle, horses, goats, sheep, rodents, birds, and fish. Avocados contain persin, which can cause mastitis, heart failure, and death. Persin is most concentrated in the leaves of the plant, but it is also present in the seeds, stem, and fruit.

Dogs are more resistant than other animals to persin, according to veterinarians, but that does not mean avocados are safe for dogs. All parts of the plant can cause vomiting and diarrhea, and avocados are frequently listed among the top ten people foods that are dangerous for dogs.


What to Do if Your Dog Eats Avocado

Sometimes dogs eat things we don’t want them to. When it comes to avocados, the biggest danger is the pit. Not only are avocado pits full of persin, they are also a choking hazard. If you suspect your dog has swallowed an avocado pit, call your vet immediately.

Accidentally eating a small bit of avocado fruit probably won’t cause your dog any lasting damage. You should still monitor your dog closely if you suspect he has eaten avocado, and it is always better to play it safe and give your vet a call.


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Keeping Dogs Away From Avocados

Prevention is the best way to keep avocados out of your dog’s mouth. Talk to your kids about the dangers of feeding certain people foods like avocados to dogs, and print out this list of fruits and vegetables that dogs can and can’t have to keep everyone in your household up-to-date. Sometimes, however, the danger comes from elsewhere. Guests might try to offer your dog a well-intended bite of guacamole dip and chips while at your house, and some dogs have a way of breaking into the garbage can. Keep a close eye on your dog at parties where avocado is served, and invest in a dog-proof garbage can to keep your dog safe from avocado and other dangerous foods.

Can Dogs Eat Eggs?

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10 “People” Foods for Dogs

10 dog-approved people foods will provide your dog with variety and a nutritional boost!

Can my dog eat that? Apples, salmon, pumpkin, beans, yogurt... people foods that are safe for your dog to eat. As a responsible and informed dog lover, you probably know that too much “people food” can make your dog ill or overweight, but there are some human foods that can be safely added to your dog’s meals in moderation to give a nutritional boost to Queenie’s diet and add a bit of variety to her food bowl. Just remember: any additions to your dog’s meals shouldn’t comprise more than 25 percent of her weekly caloric requirement.

Are you worried that your dog has food allergies? Check out Food Allergies in Dogs.

1. Yogurt is a good source of available calcium and protein. When choosing yogurt, pick one that has live active bacteria and no sugars or artificial sweeteners. The active bacteria may act as probiotics. If your pooch is pudgy, make sure that you pick fat-free yogurt but not one that contains fat substitutes (e.g., Simplesse or Olestra). Frozen yogurt is a nice summer treat for dogs.

2. Flax seed (ground or oil) is a good source of omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential fatty acids that are good for skin and coat. Whole flax seeds are best if ground right before feeding as this type of fat can go rancid quickly. Flax seed can also be added to your dog’s diet as a source of fibre. Flax oil is a more concentrated form of omega- 3 fatty acids without the fibre. Make sure that you store the oil or seeds in the fridge in an air tight dark container.

3. Salmon is a fatty fish which is also a good source of omega- 3 fatty acids. These fats support the immune system and can be beneficial for skin and coat health. There has also been some indication that they may benefit dogs with allergies. You can feed salmon or salmon oil. If feeding salmon, make sure it’s cooked before serving, as raw salmon can carry a parasite that can make your dog sick.

4. Pumpkin is a good source of fibre and beta carotene (a source of vitamin A). Dogs need fibre in their diet. The current trend is towards highly digestible diets that lower stool volume and this is not necessarily a good thing. Keeping the GI tract moving helps keep the cells lining the gut healthy.

5. Sweet potatoes are another source of dietary fibre and contain vitamin B6, vitamin C, beta carotene, and manganese. Sweet potatoes are great sliced and dehydrated as a chewy treat for your dog. There are so many dog treats on the market that we often overlook the simple, healthy, and reasonably priced treats available at our grocery store.

6. Green beans are a good source of plant fibre, vitamin K, vitamin C, and manganese. If your dog has a tendency to put on weight, then replacing some of her regular food with green beans is a great low calorie way to fill her up and help her maintain a healthy weight. Many dogs enjoy green beans frozen.

7. Eggs are a great source of very digestible protein, riboflavin, and selenium. For some dogs that are prone to digestive upset, eggs can give them a little protein boost. Adding eggs to your dog’s food is a healthy treat. Make sure to use cooked whole egg, as raw egg whites can cause biotin deficiency. If you do a lot of training with your dog, consider taking cooked eggs to your next class as training treats.

8. Brewer’s yeast is the yeast that’s left over from making alcohol. Dogs seem to really enjoy the tangy taste of brewer’s yeast. It’s full of B vitamins which are good for skin, coat, and carbohydrate metabolism. Make sure you’re using brewer’s yeast (available at health food stores), not baking yeast which will make your dog sick. Brewer’s yeast can spice up your dog’s appetite. Just sprinkle a little on the food of a picky eater and watch her dive into her food.

9. Apples are wonderful crunchy treats for your dog. Apples with the skin on are full of plant chemicals (phytonutrients) that are thought to be protective against some types of cancer in humans. They are a source of vitamins A and C and fibre. Apple seeds, however, contain cyanide so your dog should not be allowed to eat the core. Though the effects of a few apple seeds will likely not harm your dog, the deleterious effects can accumulate over time if allowed to eat apple seeds regularly.

10. Oatmeal is a good source of soluble fibre. This can be beneficial for some older dogs that may have trouble maintaining bowel regularity. Oatmeal is also an alternative source of grain for dogs that are allergic to wheat. It can be fed in conjunction with probiotics to enhance their function. Keep in mind oatmeal should always be fed cooked and plain with no sugar or flavouring. As always, check with your veterinarian before making any major changes to your dog’s diet, especially if they are on any medications. Upsetting the vitamin and mineral balances in your dog’s diet can have negative effects on your dog’s health and some medications interact badly with some nutrients. The aim of most dog owners is to give their dogs the best diet possible. Good nutrition coupled with a health care program may result in extending your dog’s life by as much as 15 percent. The suggestions above are not meant to replace your dog’s normal, balanced diet. Rather, they are ideas for alternative treats or for adding a little variety to your dog’s meals.

Can Dogs Eat Eggs?

Historically, dogs stole eggs from birds’ nests and ate them raw, shell and all. Today, most of us don’t let our dogs wander far and wide in search of unguarded nests, but eggs are still a good source of food for dogs, especially in homemade diets.

Eggs are high in protein and contain many essential amino acids and fatty acids. When boiled or cooked, they make excellent treats or dietary supplements for dogs. Not only are eggs a healthy and nutritious snack for dogs, they can even help settle upset stomachs. Talk to your veterinarian about how many eggs to feed your dog per day. While eggs are generally safe for most dogs, overfeeding your dog can result in obesity and other health problems.


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Can I Feed My Dog Raw Eggs?

There are a few concerns about feeding raw eggs to your dog that dog owners should be aware of:

Salmonella - Just like humans, dogs are at risk of contracting Salmonella, and handlers who feed raw eggs to their dogs are also at risk of catching this disease.

Biotin Deficiency - Prolonged feeding of raw egg whites can also lead to a biotin deficiency, as they contain an enzyme that ties up biotin and prevents absorption of biotin into the body. Biotin is a B complex vitamin that supports healthy skin, digestion, metabolism, and cells.

While these side effects are rare, most veterinarians recommend cooking eggs before feeding them to your dog, as long as the eggs are cooked or boiled plain without oil, butter, salt, or other potentially harmful additives.