
Sunday, October 29, 2017

Best Hot Dog Brand

[caption id="attachment_475" align="aligncenter" width="560"]best-hot-dog-brand best-hot-dog-brand[/caption]


Whether you take 'em with ketchup and mustard, celery salt and pickles, or drenched in ranch dressing (it's a thing!), you are pretty much bound by law to eat a hot dog on July 4th. To not do so is to be un-American! But unlike men, all hot dogs are definitely not created equal, as we discovered over the course of one hour last week as we blind-tasted our way through nine popular supermarket brands in search of the finest frank of all. Twenty-seven boiled hot dogs later, here's what we found:

The Contenders

We sampled nine hot dog brands you can find at most supermarkets. Save for the Oscar Mayer classics, we opted for all-beef dogs. Our selection:

• Nathan’s Famous Skinless Beef Franks
• Oscar Mayer Classic Wieners
• Hebrew National Beef Franks
• Hebrew National 97% Fat Free Beef Franks
• Sabrett Skinless Beef Frankfurters
• Ball Park Beef Franks
• Boar’s Head Beef Frankfurters with Natural Casing
• Applegate The Great Organic Uncured Beef Hot Dog
• Just FreshDirect 100% Grass-Fed Organic Uncured Beef Hot Dogs

The Method

Much to the dismay of many of our taste testers, Test Kitchen Dictator Manager Brad Leone was adamant that we abide by a strict no-buns policy, for fear it would compromise the test's purity (Martin's Potato Rolls, we love you). For the same reason, we chose to boil our hot dogs according to package directions rather than griddle them, as any resulting charred flavor could have tainted our taste buds—or so Brad said. (Side note: There's nothing like watching 10 pots of hot dog water simultaneously bubbling away on the stove.) Ketchup, mustard, relish, and 'kraut were also banned from the tasting room, which left us with nothing more than nine paper plates heaped with piles of anonymous hot dog, a box of toothpicks, a stack of too-small Dixie water cups, and the fear of God. Thus began our journey to a place we'd like to never visit again. Shall we get on with our results?

Nathan’s Famous Skinless Beef Franks


The green-and-yellow packaging will be instantly recognizable to anyone who grew up in driving distance of Coney Island's most famous hot dog stand. Unfortunately, the packaged version just didn't stand up to the ones we've eaten while walking on the boardwalk. Although we liked the texture (it has a nice elasticity), we were overwhelmed by the aggressively "loud" salty-sweet flavors that dominated this dog—similar to the way a large dose of MSG can send your pleasure sensors into overdrive. "S U G A R," wrote one tester. "All of the flavors," wrote another.

Oscar Mayer Classic Wieners


As the saying goes, if I were an Oscar Mayer wiener, everyone would be in love with me. Or something like that. The classic dogs of our childhoods lacked the “snap” that we crave in a hot dog now that we’re adults with fully grown canines, although several of us were into the slightly smokey flavor.

Hebrew National 97% Fat Free Beef Franks


The concept of a reduced-fat hot dog seems cruel, but we felt we had to throw in a package of beloved Hebrew National's version into the mix to see how they stacked up. Let's just say, we'll be sticking with its original version, which we felt had superior flavor (these had a vaguely lemony aftertaste) and texture.

Sabrett Skinless Beef Frankfurters


These were hands-down the most polarizing hot dog brand we tried. Several of us liked Sabrett's aggressively meaty, salty flavor and relative firmness compared to other brands we tried. One taster wrote, "This is what I think of as a 'hot dog.'" But a few dissenters were, let's just say, very put off by the taste. We'll let you make the call, here.

Ball Park Beef Franks


"If you've recently had oral surgery, this is good," wrote one taster. That's pretty much all you need to know about these smooth-as-a-baby's-buttocks hot dogs. Although we agreed these silky-slippery links were probably the best bet for kids, they broke down a little too easily for our refined adult palates—a hot dog that doesn't require you to chew before swallowing just feels wrong.

Applegate The Great Organic Uncured Beef Hot Dogs


Most of us were fans of these preservative-free, 100% grass-fed beef hot dogs—if only because it feels really healthy to say "preservative-free, 100% grass-fed beef." But the very salty flavor was vaguely reminiscent of a bouillon cube, and while that wasn't a make-or-break for us, we felt other hot dogs we tried held up better in the taste category.

Just FreshDirect 100% Grass-Fed Organic Uncured Beef Hot Dogs


The first thing we noticed about these hot dogs was how prominent and thick the casings were. Boiled, these dogs were less than ideal to munch on, as the casings became slightly plasticky and hard to chew through. However, we all agreed these would probably be great thrown on the grill.

Runner Up: Hebrew National Beef Franks


Hebrew National enjoys something of a cult status within the frankfurter world, and for good reason. These 100% Kosher beef dogs were a frontrunner for our #1 pick. "YES!!!" one taster wrote in praise of the juicy frank's "clean hot dog flavor." We were also into its great snap and general plumpness. "Would eat a whole one," said one taste tester—and when you spend an hour stuffing your face with hot dogs, this is meant to be a compliment of the highest caliber. Although we boiled our hot dogs, we think Hebrew National would make a killer grilled version. Our few dissenters thought the flavor could use a boost, but overall, we give these a hearty seal of approval.

The Winner: Boar’s Head Beef Frankfurters with Natural Casing


Our winning hot dogs took top honors in both taste and texture across the board. Its natural-meat flavor came through without being aggressively salty or spicy, which is an issue we continually ran into with other brands. In essence, it's exactly what we think a hot dog should taste like. We also loved its bouncy, snappy texture, which we think would make it an ideal candidate for both grilling and steaming purposes. As one taster wrote: "This is the peoples' hot dog!!!"

Best Hiking Dog Breeds

[caption id="attachment_474" align="aligncenter" width="560"]best-hiking-dog-breeds best-hiking-dog-breeds[/caption]


There’s no shortage of dogs who will gladly join you in every adventure, but these 20 prove especially up to the task. If you're looking for a dog who can keep pace, you should start with this list.
(Getty Images/iStock)

20. Lagotto Romagnolo

Hailing from the Romagna subregion of Italy, the Lagotto Romagnolo was named as a lake dog and traditionally used as a gun dog. With a natural instinct for retrieving, these dogs make for the ideal hunting companions. Their most interesting occupation, though, is truffle hunting.
lagotto romagnolo rarest dogs
(kazenouta via Flickr)

19. Tibetan Terrier

Don't let their size fool you. Tibetan Terriers, originally bred and raised in monasteries 2,000 years ago, make for excellent outdoor companions. Kept as good-luck charms and watchdogs, and originally used for herding sheep as well as retrieving items that fell below mountainsides, Tibetan Terriers are agile, excel in the snow, and love to climb.

18. Bernese Mountain Dog

Originally bred as a drafting and droving dog, the huge Bernese Mountain Dog will gladly take on mountain walks by your side - it will even carry a pack for you. A great dog for hikers, especially if you live in a colder climate and don’t want to bother with a leash, since the Bernese is very easily trained.
bernese mountain dog best active dogs

17. Pembroke Welsh Corgi

Welsh for "dwarf dog," the Pembroke Welsh Corgi is small but no lap dog. Bred for herding, these creatures love to stay active and do well in the outdoors. Despite their short legs, corgis are surprisingly quick and athletic.
(Flickr/Ron Armstrong)

16. Portuguese Water Dog

Bred to herd fish, retrieve broken nets, and swim as couriers, Portuguese water dogs excel in the surf. Given their working history, they also stay close to their owners—inside and outside. With a strong retrieving instinct and love for the water, these dogs make for the ultimate water companions.
(Flickr/Ron Armstrong)

15. German Shorthaired Pointers

What sets the German Shorthaired Pointer apart is its intelligence and versatility. According to the American Kennel Club, this breed excels at trailing, retrieving and pointing. It’s also comfortable hunting animals like pheasant, quail, grouse, waterfowl, raccoons, possum, and deer. No matter what your hunting style is, this dog can do it all.
german shorthaired pointer best hunting dogs
(Andre Blais via Shutterstock)

14. Shetland Sheepdog

One of the most intelligent breeds, Shetland Sheepdogs are intelligent, playful, and trainable. And with a strong herding instinct, they enjoy chasing and herding animals. They also love to run in wide-open spaces, but keep them clear of roads—their herding instinct can lead them astray.
(Flickr/Ron Armstrong)

13. Vizsla

If you live in the city or want to skip the leash, vizslas make the perfect companion. Their exceptional trainability helps them keep focused in busier areas, and experienced runners will appreciate the vizsla’s athleticism. According to Runner’s World, this breed excels at speed, endurance, navigating obstacles, and even jumping.
vizsla best running dogs
(AnetaPics via Shutterstock)

12. Dalmation

Dalmatians can keep pace with horses - they can keep pace with you. These large and lean dogs were classically employed to run ahead of firefighting carriages and clear the way, but they’re just as happy running through the park. Great if you’re looking for a more protective breed to accompany your long-distance jogs.
dalmatian best running dogs
(Lottie and lily via Flickr)

11. Doberman Pinscher

The Doberman pinscher might have an intimidating reputation, but it's really an affectionate friend and guardian. Of course, it's also an excellent fit for active types—fearless but obedient, up for jogs and hikes, and as low-maintenance as they come.
doberman pinscher best active dogs

10. Australian Cattle Dog

The Australian cattle dog is a true herding dog: whip-smart, energetic, strong, and protective, not to mention it has some dingo in its blood. With that kind of heritage, you can expect this breed to keep going all day. It loves wide-open spaces but will also form a tight bond with its owners, making it a great choice for active families.
australian cattle dog best active dogs
(Dalibor Sosna/Shutterstock)

9. Jack Russell Terrier

Small but mighty, Jack Russell Terriers have boundless energy and can run for surprisingly extended periods of time. If you're looking for a more compact long-distance running mate, this adventurous breed should be just right.
jack russell terrier best running dogs

8. Rat Terrier

An American dog breed with a hunting and farm-dog history, Rat Terriersare cherished as family pets and for their pest control skills. Often mistaken for Jack Russell terriers, these dogs are equally at home on the sofa as on the hiking trail. Highly nimble and obedient, they excel in agility and obedience training.

7. Rhodesian Ridgeback

Rhodesian Ridgebacks were originally bred to hunt lions in Africa, so they are extremely athletic, yet surprisingly good with people. They have an efficient stride and a short, low-maintenance coat that helps when running in the heat.
rhodesian ridgeback best running dogs
(Tatiana Katsai/Shutterstock)

6. Australian Shepherd

The Australian Shepherd is another busybody herding breed that sets itself apart with its people skills and protective nature. This breed would make a wonderful addition to an active family, and a good companion for anyone who likes to explore different kinds of terrain.
australian shepherd
(Utekhina Anna via Shutterstock)

5. Weimaraner

The Weimaraner is an ideal jogging companion, able to expertly navigate tricky terrain. It's also a good pointing dog for hunters. Plus, its "ghostly" grey coat takes well to hot climates and needs minimal brushing. This breed is known to be rambunctious and extremely active, so you’d be well advised to provide an open running area in addition to exercise.
weimaraner best active dogs
(Sari ONeal/Shutterstock)

4. Siberian Husky

The Husky is a beautiful and independent breed that requires an active lifestyle. After all, this is a breed capable of pulling a sled Iditarod distances. An ideal dog if you live in cold weather and want a capable companion on ultra long hikes, trail runs and camping trips - the tough Siberian Husky will keep you safe too.
siberian husky best active dogs

3. Labrador Retriever

Eager and energetic Labs are "weatherproof, waterproof, and tenacious—the epitome of a hunter," says Outdoor Life. Regularly named as the most popular dog in the U.S., great with families, and an excellent athlete, it seems the Labrador retriever can do no wrong.
labrador retriever best hunting dogs
(Kirk Geisler via Shutterstock)

2. Border Collie

Herding dogs are agile runners, and the Border Collie is considered one of the most intelligent of the breeds. This dog loves having a job to do, says the American Kennel Club, so keep it busy as a faithful and sure-footed running mate.
border collie best running dogs
(Dale A Stork/Shutterstock)

1. The Mutt

Let's hear it for the non-purebreds, the dogs who boast a quirky mix of breeds and whose lineage is charmingly unique. Find one at your local animal shelter and you’ll be rewarded with a loyal friend who will eagerly join you on every adventure and whose qualities you won’t find anywhere else. There's no better outdoor companion than that.

Saturday, October 28, 2017

Best Heartworm Prevention For Dogs

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Choosing the Best Heartworm and Flea Prevention

Combination heartworm and flea prevention medications make it possible to prevent heartworms along with protection from common pests including fleas, and in some products, ticks, mites and intestinal parasites — all in one medication.

The importance of heartworm prevention is undeniable. The American Heartworm Society recommends year-round heartworm prevention for cats and dogs, without missing even one dose.

As a responsible pet parent, parasite prevention including heartworm protection may seem overwhelming. However, recent innovations in the science of heartworm prevention have made it easier than ever to protect your pet from harmful parasites with a single heartworm and flea pill or application.
Combination heartworm preventatives offer comprehensive protection

Administering a once-a-month combination product will protect your pet from heartworms, fleas and several types of intestinal worms in a single dose! That's a lot easier than remembering to use several products at different times, helping reduce the chances of missing a dose. Taking a single medication to prevent multiple parasites is easier on your pet, too. Compare: Trifexis, Revolution, Sentinel, Advantage Multi, and Sentinel Spectrum.

Compare combination heartworm and flea prevention medications

Trifexis, Opens in New WindowRevolution, Opens in New WindowSentinel, Opens in New WindowAdvantage Multi, Opens in New WindowSentinel Spectrum, Opens in New Window

Combination heartworm medications are available in several forms, including tablets and topically applied formulas. This variety of administration options makes it easier and more convenient to choose the right one for your pet. Those pets that do not take tablets well will likely be more co-operative if given heartworm prevention topically.
Benefits of all-in-one heartworm and flea prevention

Before the development of combination heartworm medicine, pet parents' only choice was to give their pets separate products for the prevention of heartworms, fleas, ticks and intestinal parasites. This can be inconvenient, confusing and expensive, especially for multiple-pet homes.

These innovative all-in-one protection options now available are:

  • Affordable

  • Convenient

  • Fast-acting

  • Easy to administer

  • Long-lasting

  • Effective in the prevention of multiple pests

Trifexis is one of the leading oral combination heartworm preventatives. It is a once a month chewable tablet that prevents heartworms, kills adult fleas and also prevents hookworms, roundworms and whipworms. Sentinel Spectrum does the same, with the added benefit of preventing tapeworms.
Choosing the best heartworm and flea prevention for your pet

When choosing a combination heartworm preventative, consider your pet's lifestyle and what you want to protect your pet against most.

Choosing a heartworm and flea medicine for dogs will depend on if your dog spends most of the time indoors or outdoors. If it's unlikely that your pet could be exposed to ticks, Trifexis (a very popular flea heartworm pill for dogs) or Sentinel Spectrum may be your two best heartworm and flea prevention options. If you're concerned about ticks, Revolution provides heartworm protection and will kill ticks, along with fleas and their eggs, roundworms and hookworms.

Choosing a heartworm and flea prevention medication for cats will also depend on if your cat is primarily a housecat or spends some time outside. If you're looking for a comprehensive combination heartworm and flea protection that will also protect your cat from roundworms, hookworms and whipworms Advantage Multi is the ideal choice. However, if your cat also requires protection from ticks, Revolution is a combination heartworm preventative that kills fleas and flea eggs, ticks, roundworms and hookworms in a single topical application.

All of these combination heartworm preventatives are available by prescription only, so when seeing your veterinarian for your pet's yearly checkup, be sure to ask about your options. Your vet will be able to help you choose one based on your pet's specific needs, and will perform a heartworm test prior to writing a prescription.
What if my pet has heartworms?

If your pet is diagnosed with heartworms, your veterinarian will prescribe a treatment protocol that must be completed before giving your pet any type of heartworm preventative. Unfortunately, there is no definitive treatment protocol available for cats, but there are several palliative options including surgery in extreme cases. Heartworm treatment can be harsh, expensive and traumatic to your pet's health. This is why comprehensive heartworm prevention is so very important.

Medications used to prevent heartworm infections are called preventives. Preventives kill the heartworm larvae before they have a chance to grow and mature into adult heartworms. A number

of heartworm preventives are available to pet owners today. Some heartworm preventives contain additional ingredients that will control other parasites, such as roundworms or hookworms. A monthly preventive should be given to all pets. Remember that mosquitoes can get indoors, so even though your pet may not go outside, he is still susceptible.

ProductMinimum Age/WeightDose GivenActive Ingredient Against HeartwormAdditional IngredientsAlso Effective Against
Heartgard® Plus for Dogs6 wksMonthly; oralIvermectinPyrantel pamoateRoundworms and hookworms
Heartgard® for Cats6 wksMonthly; oralIvermectinNoneHookworms
Tri-Heart® Plus for Dogs6 wksMonthly; oralIvermectinPyrantel pamoateRoundworms and hookworms
Iverhart Max® for Dogs8 wksMonthly; oralIvermectinPyrantel
Roundworms, hookworms, and tapeworms.
Sentinel® for Dogs4 wks and
2 lbs
Monthly; oralMilbemycin oximeLufenuronRoundworms, whipworms, some hookworms, and flea eggs.
Revolution® for Dogs6 wksMonthly; topicalSelamectinNoneFleas, flea eggs, ear mites, sarcoptes mange, and American Dog Ticks.
Revolution® for Cats8 wksMonthly; topicalSelamectinNoneFleas, flea eggs, ear mites, one type of hookworm and one type of roundworm.
Advantage Multi™ for Dogs7 wks and
3 lbs
Monthly; topicalMoxidectinImidaclopridFleas, roundworms, hookworms, and whipworms.
Advantage Multi™ for Cats9 wks and
2 lbs
Monthly; topicalMoxidectinImidaclopridFleas, roundworms, hookworms, and ear mites.
Trifexis8 wks and
5 lbs
Monthly; chewableMilbemycin oxime and SpinosadN/AFleas, roundworms, hookworms, and whipworms.

Best Flea Shampoo For Dogs

[caption id="attachment_472" align="aligncenter" width="560"]best-flea-shampoo-for-dogs best-flea-shampoo-for-dogs[/caption]

Fleas can relentlessly bite your pets, leaving them itchy and irritated. Pet flea shampoo can kill these pesky critters to help improve your pet’s quality of life, while also cleansing their coat.

Many pet owners find that a natural homemade recipe made of liquid dish soap, vinegar, and warm water is enough to kill fleas, but it isn’t always effective enough. When you need something stronger, a good flea shampoo can do just the trick.

What Is Pet Flea Shampoo?

Pet flea shampoo is a special medicated shampoo that can safely cleanse your pet’s coat, while killing fleas and preventing them from returning. A quality flea shampoo can kill the adult fleas that are causing your dog's discomfort. However, you will need to continually shampoo your dog throughout the year to ensure it remains effective.

It’s important to treat infested areas as soon as you notice a problem to stop the flea life cycle. Flea shampoo can be used like regular pet shampoo, starting at the head and behind the ears and moving down toward the tail. Simply let the lather remain in the hair coat for five minutes to kill pesky insects. It can usually be used along with a topical spot treatment or flea collar for enhanced results.

Remember, it’s important to always use dog products on dogs and cat products on cats. They cannot be used interchangeably, even if you choose a natural product. However, if the bottle specifically states that it is safe for both cats and dogs, then you can use it on all of your furry pals. Even if a shampoo claims to be completely safe for your animal, each pet is different and yours may not react well. If you notice any problems after using a flea shampoo, contact your vet.

For quick cleanups, consider the Vet's Best 50 Count Flea + Tick Wipes. If you need further protection from fleas and ticks, consider something like the best-selling Vet's Best Flea & Tick Home Spray or the best-selling Vet's Best Flea & Tick Yard & Kennel Spray.

Top 5 Pet Flea Shampoos

Adams Plus Flea & Tick Shampoo With Precor for Dogs and Cats

The Adams Plus Flea & Tick Shampoo with Precor for Dogs and Cats is Amazon’s #1 best-seller in dog flea control shampoos, as well as the best seller in cat shampoos. You can count on it to kill fleas, ticks, and lice on contact. It also provides 28 days of control from flea eggs and flea larvae. It is gentle on the coat and skin, and can actually help remove loose dandruff, dirt, and scales to improve the coat’s condition, leaving it soft and shiny. It is enriched with oatmeal, coconut extract, lanolin, and soothing aloe, so it shouldn’t irritate your pet’s coat.

The concentrated lathering shampoo can be used on both dogs and cats 12 weeks of age and older. Most reviewers tend to love how well this lathers. It is one of the “most wished for” items on Amazon and has outstanding online reviews.

Currently $8.67 on Amazon

Hartz UltraGuard Rid Flea & Tick Shampoo for Dogs With Oatmeal

The Hartz UltraGuard Rid Flea & Tick Shampoo for Dogs with Oatmeal provides immediate relief from adult fleas and ticks, including deer ticks, which may carry Lyme disease. It contains Pyrethrins, which kills fleas and ticks that can carry diseases. It also contains oatmeal to cleanse, deodorize, and soothe your pet’s dry, itchy, or irritated skin. It has a light, fresh fragrance that reviewers tend to love.

The cleansing shampoo can be used on dogs six months of age and older. This is an Amazon best-seller, one of the “most wished for” items on Amazon, and has outstanding online reviews.

Currently $10.78 on Amazon

Vet’s Best Flea Itch Relief Shampoo

The Vet’s Best Flea Itch Relief Shampoo is a veterinarian-formulated shampoo that provides fast itch relief from flea bites and infestations. Some reviewers found that it works nearly instantly to kills fleas and ticks. Instead of relying on harsh chemicals, it uses powerful natural ingredients like micronized oatmeal, aloe vera, camomile, solvent-free orange and lemon peel oil, and neem oil to soothe discomfort, irritation, dryness, and itching. It will not affect topical flea and tick control products that you may be using at the same time.

This can be used on both dogs and puppies 12 weeks of age and older. Reviewers tend to like the mild natural scent. If you’re looking for something you can use on both your cats and dogs, consider the Vet’s Best Natural Anti-Flea Easy Spray Shampoo.

Currently $7.72 on Amazon

Natural Chemistry De Flea Pet Shampoo

The Natural Chemistry De Flea Pet Shampoo is pesticide free, chemical free, nontoxic, and safe for people and pets. It is guaranteed to instantly kill fleas, ticks, mites, and lice safely. It kills insects on contact without the use of Pyrethrins or Permethrins, and will not wash off any flea and tick spot treatments you may be using at the same time. The gentle yet powerful formula works on all stages of the insect's' life cycle.

The deep cleaning shampoo can be used on both dogs and cats 12 weeks of age and older. If this one doesn’t work for your pet, consider the best-selling Natural Chemistry Natural Flea and Tick Shampoo with Oatmeal for Dogs.

Currently $9.09 on Amazon

Sentry Flea and Tick Shampoo With Oatmeal

The Sentry Flea and Tick Shampoo With Oatmeal quickly kills fleas, ticks, and flea eggs for up to 10 days, including the ticks that may carry Lyme disease. The effective flea and tick dog shampoo is PH balanced for your pet’s coat and contains oatmeal for deodorizing and cleansing. It also has a Hawaiian ginger scent that reviewers tend to love. After use, your dog’s coat should be shiny, soft, and smelling great.

This is intended for dogs only. It is an Amazon best-seller and has outstanding online reviews.

Currently $6.97 on Amazon

And those are our recommendations for the best pet flea shampoos. As always, be sure to check Wise Bread's Buying Calendar to learn when and how to buy just about anything!


If you have a dog, chances are you will have to deal with fleas at some point. Fleas are nasty little buggers that bite your poor puppy leaving her skin itchy and irritated. A single bite can cause so much discomfort that your dog may scratch the spot relentlessly, creating a hot spot. This happened to my dog once. Luckily, regular cleaning of the area and preventing her from licking it for a week did the trick. It went away without further hassle.

Fleas reproduce and spread quickly. What starts out as a small infestation can grow rapidly. That’s why it is so important to address the issue as soon as you can!

Luckily, you have a lot of options. There are many different ways to fight fleas. You can tackle them in the environment with sprays, foggers, powders, and bombs. You can give your dog oral medication that kills and repels those pesky little fleas. There are also many different topical options from flea collars to flea dips to flea powders to flea shampoos.

Itchy Dog

The best place to start is with a flea bath for your dog using the best flea shampoo out there. A flea bath not only is effective in killing the fleas and their eggs, but using a good flea shampoo will also soothe your dog’s skin, helping prevent her from itching and scratching and making the situation worse.

It’s important to note that while flea shampoos will kill the fleas on your dog and continually work to repel fleas, there are still fleas waiting in the environment! They like to nest outside especially in the tall grasses. You’ll have to do something about those guys too. Check out this article about killing fleas in the environment using other methods.

If you notice your dog scratching and you find fleas, act as soon as possible! Fleas spread quickly so you want to be on the ball. Get the best flea shampoo for dogs and give your dog a flea bath immediately. Repeat every 2 weeks to prevent more fleas from coming.

What is Flea Shampoo?

Flea shampoo is generally a medicated shampoo that is meant to kill fleas and their eggs, as well as preventing them from returning. The best flea shampoos for dogs will also soothe and cleanse your dog’s skin and coat.

You can make a rudimentary flea shampoo at home out of warm water, vinegar, and liquid dish soap. Some people have success with this, but it won’t be as effective as using a real flea shampoo, which has the added benefit of soothing and moisturizing your dog’s skin. The homemade version can cause dry skin, which only intensifies itching.

There are 3 types of flea shampoo for dogs.

  • Chemical Flea Shampoo: includes laboratory-made ingredients like pyrethrins and pyrethroids, which I will discuss more in depth when we talk about ingredients.

  • Natural Flea Shampoo: includes citrus peel extract and/or d-limonene as the active ingredients, which are meant to besiege the pests’ central nervous system.

  • Organic Flea Shampoo: includes oils that attack and repel fleas, like clove, peppermint, and cedar oil, which have the added effect of soothing your dog’s skin.

Common Ingredients in Chemical Flea Shampoo

Flea Shampoos that include chemical ingredients are often the most effective in killing and preventing fleas, but they also carries the greatest risk of adverse effects to your dog. So it’s important to understand the common active ingredients that are used.


Pyrethrins are natural extracts that are found in chrysanthemum plants. There are six different types of pyrethrins and they are all used in flea prevention products. They are pyrethrin I and II, cinevin I and II, and jasmolin I and II. Pyrethrins have been used as insecticides for over 100 years.

Pyrethrins work by disrupting the natural flow of sodium out of the nerve cells of the fleas. This causes their nerves to fire off repeatedly, which kills the pests. They work quickly, but are not necessarily very long-lasting.

Flea Sketch

Stomach acids easily break down pyrethrins so they are unlikely to be toxic if ingested. However, toxicity has happened in some cases, so keep an eye out for symptoms.


Pyrethroids are synthetic compounds, which means they are manufactured in a laboratory and are not found in nature. Five pyrethroids are used in pest control products. Phenothrin, permethrin, and etofenprox kill fleas. Resmethrin and allethrin kill flying insects.

Like pyrethrins, pyrethroids affect the central nervous system of insects. They inhibit their ability to function as well as causing their nerves to fire off repeatedly. They also continue to repel insects after killing them.

Pyrethroids work slower than pyrethrins, but they last much longer. For this reasons, they are often used in flea sprays and other topical treatments.

Specifically permethrins should never be used on cats!

Dioctyl Sodium Sulfosuccinate (aka docusate sodium)

Docusate sodium kills fleas and prevents them from returning, but it also affects other insects like lice, ticks, and mites. It works by altering the physical makeup of the flea, specifically the waxy outside. Eventually it will cause internal organ failure leading to insect death.

What to Use in Conjunction with Flea Shampoo

The best flea shampoo is an important tool in killing and controlling fleas on your dog. To achieve the best results, you should use flea shampoo in conjunction with other products.

Treat the outside environment with sprays, foggers, bombs, or powders. Especially get the tall grasses those pests love to live in.

Clean and vacuum the inside of your house often. If they aren’t disrupted, fleas are happy to nest wherever they can find. Don’t make it easy on them!

To treat your dog specifically, there are oral medications and topical treatments, like flea powders flea collars, and spot treatments (dips, shampoos). Research the different options and choose the best option for your dog.

Safety Tips

Small Dog In Bath 2

  • Read the Product label!

  • Understand the ingredients in the flea shampoo. What is the purpose of each ingredient? What risks do they present? What benefits do they offer?

  • Check with your veterinarian, especially if you use a chemical flea shampoo. Dogs that are pregnant, nursing, old, or on medications may be at a greater risk of harm.

  • If this is your first time using a product, monitor your dog for 24 hours afterward. Symptoms of toxicity include vomiting, excessive salivation, fatigue, tremors, and seizures. If you notice anything, contact your veterinarian immediately.

  • All animals react to things differently. If your dog has a bad reaction to the flea shampoo, call your vet first, then wash off your dog with soap and water to prevent further harm.

  • Follow the instructions! Use a product specific to your pet. Do not use a dog flea shampoo on your cat or the other way around, unless the product specifies that it is safe for both.

  • Use the amount recommended. Too much could cause harm. Too little may be ineffective.

  • Wash your hands before and after application. Wear gloves while bathing.

  • After the flea bath, go for a walk so your dog will dry off completely without licking and ingesting too much of the product.

  • Two ingredients to watch out for and avoid are organophosphate insecticides (OPs) and carbamates as they are classified as carcinogenic to humans.

Top 5 Best Flea Shampoos for Dogs 2017

Now that you are an expert on flea shampoos, let’s talk about the best dog flea shampoos money can buy. I have chosen 5 great flea shampoos and written a description of each to help you choose the best option for your dog. I highly recommend you supplement this article with online reviews and recommendations from your veterinarian.

Adams Plus Flea and Tick Shampoo with Precor, 12 Oz

#1 Adams Plus Flea & Tick Shampoo with Precor for Dogs and Cats - Best Flea Shampoo for Dogs 2017

The first thing to note is that Adams boasts that this shampoo kills all life stages of fleas, including eggs. That’s important because some flea shampoos only kill adult fleas leaving the eggs intact. Eventually the eggs hatch and your flea problem returns. Not with this shampoo! Used properly, all of those pesky fleas, larvae, and eggs will be dead. In the ingredients, you’ll see pyrethrins, which are great at killing and repelling fleas. It also contains soothing aloe, lanolin, coconut extract, and oatmeal. These ingredients will calm the itch and irritation left by fleas to prevent your dog from scratching and making it worse. After a nice lather with Adams shampoo, your dog will feel comfy and pampered! This formula is safe for cats, kittens, dogs, and puppies so if you have multiple pets, you can feel safe using it on all of them. It also includes RECOR Insect Growth Regulator which provides 28 days of control of pre-adult fleas before they become biting adults. You’ll get great results with this flea shampoo.

TropiClean Neem and Citrus Pet Shampoo, 20oz

#2 Tropiclean Hypo Allergenic Flea & Tick Shampoo

This Tropiclean shampoo is one of the best natural flea shampoos for dogs. It is a great choice if you want to avoid harsh chemicals or if your dog has particularly sensitive skin or allergies. It uses Neem and citrus oil as a way to kill and control the fleas on your dog. Citrus oil is a great flea repellent. Some flea treatments work well, but still an occasional flea bite occurs out in the environment. This shampoo works well to prevent that occasional bite. It is all natural and 70% organic. This shampoo is for dogs only so do not use it on your cats or other animals. Your dog will be deep cleaned while her skin and coat are cleansed and soothed. Tropiclean does include a lasting fragrance. Some dogs may be sensitive to fragrances, but I have not heard of that happening with Tropiclean since they use natural ingredients.

Wahl Dog/Pet Flea and Tick Shampoo Rosemary Mint #820007T

#3 Wahl 100% Natural Flea and Tick Shampoo

Wahl also makes one of the best natural flea shampoos for dogs. Do you see a pattern here? I like natural shampoos. Sometimes they aren’t strong enough to get the job done and you have to go with a chemical flea shampoo, but I like to try the natural option first as there is less risk to your dog. This formula uses the natural ingredients rosemary, mint, and cedar oil for flea control. It also contains aloe vera, coconut oil, and other soothing ingredients to help your dog’s skin stay moisturized and soothe and prevent itching! It has up to 3 ounces and 5% more surfactants than leading brands and it is PEG-80 free. You will love the feel of your dog’s coat after using this shampoo. The more times you use it, the softer her fur will feel. She will love it and so will you! Because it contains natural ingredients, Wahl’s shampoo is a great choice for dogs with sensitive skin and/or allergies.

Oster Flea and Tick Shampoo with oatmeal, for dogs and cats - 18 fl oz

#4 Oster Oatmeal Naturals Flea and Tick Shampoo

Oster’s shampoo is a great choice as it kills fleas in all life stages. Get rid of the fleas, larvae, and even the eggs. The active ingredients are pyrethrins naturally-derived from chrysanthemum flowers, a favorite for the best flea shampoos for dogs. It is also made with 100% Natural Oatmeal that soothes and protects your dog’s skin. You will find no dyes, parabens, alcohol, phosphates, or phthalates in this formula. And it is pH balanced with no artificial colors. As an added bonus, if you are using other topical flea applications, this shampoo will not wash them off. Oster proudly makes their products in the USA, which is always a plus! Products made close to home tend to be of better quality. This shampoo can be used on both cats and dogs as long as they are older than 12 weeks, according to Oster. If your dog it scratching from the itch and irritation caused by fleas, this shampoo will not only kill the fleas, but also relieve her irritated skin.

SynergyLabs Groomer’s Blend Flea & Tick Shampoo; 18.4 fl. oz.

#5 SynergyLabs Groomer’s Blend Shampoo/Conditioner

SynergyLabs makes this heavy duty flea shampoo. It’s a great choice if you are having trouble killing those pesky fleas that are irritating your dog. The active ingredients are permethrins. They take a little longer to kick in, but are long-lasting. This shampoo uses naturally derived cleansers to remove dirt and debris. It also exfoliates your dog’s skin, removing old, dead skin cells. Your dog’s coat will feel soft and lustrous from this moisturizing formula. You won’t find any parabens, which can mess with estrogen levels in your dog. SynergyLabs also boasts that their formula is pH balanced making it a good choice for dog’s with sensitive skin. While this shampoo is soothing, it doesn’t contain oatmeal. While oatmeal is a great ingredient to soothe skin, it’s not a perfect match for some dogs. So if your dog doesn’t do well with oatmeal, but you want a soothing, flea-killing shampoo, this is the right choice for you. This shampoo is safe for dogs and puppies over 12 weeks old.

How to Give Your Dog the Best Flea Bath

Now that you’ve chosen the best flea shampoo for your dog, I’ll take you through the steps of giving your dog the best flea bath she’s ever had!

Dog Getting A Bath

  • Remember to always read and follow the instructions, especially the amount to use.

  • Pay attention to any warnings and follow all safety precautions. They are there to protect you and your dog.

  • Start with nice, soothing, warm water. You don’t want it hot. Your dog won’t appreciate that. But you don’t want it cold either. Warm water will help loosen and soften your dog’s skin, which gives it the best chance of being soothed and moisturized by the flea shampoo.

  • Get your dog nice wet with the warm bath water.

  • First make a ring of flea shampoo around your dog’s neck and work it into a thick lather. As you give your dog the flea bath, the fleas will try to hide in hard-to-reach crevices, like around your dog’s face and ears. This ring will act as a barrier preventing them from reaching your dog’s head.

  • Now slowly work down from the ring around her neck. As you go, make sure you wet each section before you shampoo. This gives you the best chance of creating a thick, penetrating lather of shampoo.

  • Take your time and really work the shampoo into your dog’s coat. You want to give the shampoo the best chance to get to all the fleas, larvae, and eggs.

  • Depending on what the instructions say, let your dog remained lathered in shampoo for 5 to 10 minutes. Massage the shampoo in as much as you want. I cannot emphasize enough giving the shampoo the best chance to get to all those pesky little fleas!

  • Once you are satisfied with the lathering, massaging, and just letting the shampoo sit, rinse your dog thoroughly. Use fresh, clean, warm water. Start at her neck where you made that first ring of lather. Slowly move down until she is completely rinsed.

  • All of the flea shampoos I have recommended include soothing, moisturizing ingredients. However, if you have chosen a product without a soothing agent, I encourage you to follow the flea bath with a nice conditioner.

  • Once you are finished, towel her off as thoroughly as you can. You won’t be able to get her all the way dry with towels.

  • I recommend going for a walk after the flea bath to give your dog the chance to dry without licking and ingesting the remnants of the flea shampoo. Or, if your dog doesn’t mind, you can blow her dry with a hair dryer on low. Don’t burn her skin!